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Land of the "Free"

Land of the "Free"

original painting and poem by chelsea vonne james

My body my choice
Pill me till I have no voice
Silent scream of medical invoice
Blame, under the guise of moral rejoice

Poke my arm or I can’t serve
“Freedom” we all deserve
Run a sex traffic ring but hide the perv (s)
Print more Federal Reserve

No vaccine, lose your career 
Served your whole life but get outta here
Fought for freedom in the face of fear
Inject this cause now we’re inclusive to queer

8000 bucks for your “choice” for tits
Encouraged by the porn to have 15” bits
Instagram says bikini summer’s hottest tips
So get um fast and put shit in ur lips

How can I get the approval of them all?
To feel good inside, so I don’t bawl
What slogan do I chant? Who can I call?
What’s the TV say? What’s the cabal?

The divide is created
To keep you satiated
In a trance, inundated
Distracted and separated

They tell you what’s real
You think choice is your deal
No idea what’s in your meal
Hate how you feel

They teach you to think
They tax you on pink
Fluoride you drink
Racism in sync

Racism is now taught
Big money brought
Hate is not our thought
Until the schools they bought

They keep the narrative alive and well
Keep us in a living hell
Question the story’s they sell
Let’s make new ones to tell

It’s time for us to rise up
This shit is so corrupt
In our own authority we can disrupt
Fill our own fuckin cup

It’s time for us to go inside
Our hearts and minds to truly thrive
To listen and connect, if we’re gonna survive
To be responsible for our hive 

-36 by 48 inches
-mixed media, acrylic and oil on canvas  
-contact for shipping options


Regular price $4,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4,000.00 USD
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